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Diet and Depression

You may have seen it on GMA this morning. Breaking nutrition news: "Carbs Cause Depression in Women"

Let me make something very clear. Eating a banana (or any other plant classified as a carb) is NOT going to cause depression.

The study showed a link between Refined Carbs and higher rates of depression in women. This means all those processed foods like cookies, cakes, white bread, white rice, potato chips are linked to depression. This is not a call for a low carb diet. This is a wake-up call saying that the very foods emotional eaters turn to are creating a vicious cycle. Feel sad, eat chips. Eat chips, feel sad. It is a cycle which must be broken.

How to do that? Turn back to nutritious food and nutritious movement. For nutritious movement refer back to my post titled Healthy Movement.

Nutritious Foods

As I wrote in an earlier post entitled Meet The Macronutrients, "a diet with less than 40% carbs increases depresson while a diet with around 40% helps fat loss." You can read more about mood and diet in The Good Mood Diet by Susan Kleiner, R.D., Ph.D. . Also, if you haven't already, check out my macronutrient post.

The point is low carbs leads to depression also. Complex, natural carbs are good for your mood and your physical body. Instead of reaching for that cookie go for a whole grain or a piece of fruit for your carb fix.

It really doesn't have to be complicated. You body will thank you, so will your mind. You will get what you need. Eat, not the minimum of 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, but 8-10 servings. Maybe you work up to that number, but make it a goal. You may eat your top three favorite fruits and veggies at first, but you will get bored and venture out. That is when you will start getting such a variety of micronutrients to make you the best you can be.

I could break down specifics on micronutrients, antioxidents, specific foods, but it really is unnecessary. I'm going to say it again. Eat a good nutritious diet of varied natural, whole foods

Look! Carbs that love you!

So, am I saying that you can never have another piece of birthday cake again?!


Most likely, after you've been on track for a while (read a few weeks, not hours, here) you can have the occasional refined carb treat. Like at a party, perhaps. For if you do not treat yourself occasionally you will most likely binge, feel guilty, and give up. Then you will get back into that downward spiral. Heck, that may happen anyway. That is what I am here for. I'll do my best to help you get back on track.

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